Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lighten up, Sarah

David Letterman's joke about Sarah Palin's daughter, whichever it was, has drawn fire from the Alaska governor and the right wing. It wasn't one of Dave's Top Ten jokes ever, but it certainly wasn't worth the kerfluffle that it kicked up.

Well, it turns out that Letterman wasn't the only late night type to crack wise about Palin's daughter. The most recent host of The Tonight Show, the seriously unfunny Jay Leno, told a similar joke last September, about Bristol Palin, then 17, unmarried and pregnant and John Edwards. And if one of the Huffington Post's readers is accurate, the new Tonight host, Conan O'Brien, told a variation of the joke Letterman told, about Palin's daughter needing to be protected from the Philadelphia Flyers. And, if memory serves, the daughter who accompanied Palin to the Flyers' game was seven, and even younger than Bristol or Willow, the daughter who came to New York with Palin last week.

To be clear, Letterman's joke was about New York Yankee third baseman Alex Rodriguez and the reference was to Bristol Palin, not 14-year-old Willow. And he probably shouldn't have told the joke, but if he's going to get heat for it, so should Leno and O'Brien.

That is, unless, there's a political agenda afoot, and we all know that's not possible.


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