Saturday, August 2, 2008

A quick introduction

So, welcome to this brand new venture, an opportunity to share thoughts and feelings that won't always be conventional, but hopefully will always be interesting.
There'll be more about me in future postings, but, for now, I'll tell you that until yesterday, I was a writer for the Baltimore Sun. I spent the first four years of my career bouncing between the Metro and features departments, before I landed in sports in October of 1989, until I took a buyout yesterday.
I did a blog for the newspaper on local high school sports, and while I'll touch on some big picture events related to high schools, I'll be posting here as regularly as possible on just about everything in sports and the world at large, hence the title.
By the way, the blog title is a variation on a weekly radio essay show that I host on WYPR, Baltimore's NPR affiliate. As best I can, I will try to post the audio of each week's essay, or, barring that, the script of that week's show.
That's it for now. Look for more later, and thanks for dropping by!

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